
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

This week we are exploring who are political representatives are.  For our state legislators and governor I decided to do the state of Wisconsin. I currently live in Minnesota and plan on becoming a Minnesota Resident again but seeing that I'm still a Wisconsin Resident and that the majority of the class is from Minnesota, I thought I would change it up and do Wisconsin.
We all know that the President of the Unites States is President Barack Obama and although you can't directly contact him, you are able to send the White House an email at this website. The congressmen (Senate) for Wisconsin is Herb Kohl and Ron Johnson. You can contact Senator Kohl by email via this website and you can contact Senator Johnson by emial via this website. The U.S. House Republican is Sean P. Duffy. The State Legislators are Senator Robert Jauch and Representative Janet Bewley. Senators Jauch's contact phone number is (608) 266-3510, Representative Bewley's contact phone number is (608) 266-7690. Both of them can be emailed at this website.
The Governor of Wisconsin is Scott Walker. You may contact him by phone or email. The phone number is (608) 266-1212 and the email is The closest thing I could find to the Sawyer County Board President was the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors. The head Chairmen is Hal Helwig, there was no contact information but there was a website. The Mayor of Hayward, Wisconsin is Bill Swintkowski, his address is 10686 Beal Avenue  Hayward, WI  54843, his phone number is (715) 634-4198 and his email is, all of this information can be found at this website

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrea! It is cool seeing names of representatives from other states. When I saw that you gave telephone numbers for the senators it was cool because they are more personal than I thought. Just shows that these leaders are not people we can never talk to but that they want people to reach them. It is great we get to learn how to be advocates for things we support.
